Smart Fog CPLC-C Controller Unit

Product Number:    CPLC-C

Product Name:       Smart Fog® CPLC Custom Zone Controller Unit

Product Description:

Smart Fog® CPLC 3 Zone Controller Unit is an industrial relative humidity and temperature controller. This unit provides accurate, user friendly control interface. Propriatory intelligent algorithms provide unsurpassed accuracy and set and forget functionality.

Product Advantages:

·         Competely Maintenance free, no moving parts

·         Fast and simple plug and play installation

·         High Quality workmanship, MADE IN THE US

Unit Placement Options:

·         Free Standing

·         Air Handling

·         Ceiling Mount

·         Portable

·         Wall Mount


Coverage Capacity: Custom
Electrical Requirements:
Primary Voltage: 120 V

Power Demand: 2.5 A

Unit Dimention: 15 in (38.4 cm) H x 11 in (28.3 cm) W x 6 in (16.0 cm) D
Weight: 8 lbs (4 kg)
Note: Unit comes complete with 4 wall mounting brackets & 4 Truss HD. Machine Screws.