The Humidification Challenge
Produce Rot
The most common issue regarding greenhouses and vertical farms is the combination of low humidity and high temperatures.
When humidity drops below 30% RH, serious issues can occur, including stunted plant growth and slowed photosynthesis. If humidity isn’t constant and high, the produce can rot quickly, wasting growing and harvesting efforts.
Crop Wilt
But watering plants directly to make up for the high temperatures and low humidity levels may result in the growth and spread of mold spores, fungi, and bacteria.
For this reason, irrigation is crucial for plant hydration and health, however, it is an insufficient solution that can cause overheating and crop wilt.
Crop Mold
And just like low humidity, high humidity levels can also harm crops. Besides the mold growth that non-evaporated moisture encourages, high humidity can lead to edge burn, soft growth, mineral deficiencies.
The Self-Evaporative Solution
Non-Wetting Moisture Prevents Rot, Wilt, and Mold
Introducing self-evaporative humidifiers is one of the simplest ways to eliminate these problems and raise consistently healthy crops. Instead of water molecules attracting one another and pooling in high humidity conditions, self-evaporative humidification changes the charge of the molecules so that they repel one another.
Not only does this prevent molding caused by moisture resting on produce, but it also maintains a more constant humidity level in the air to prevent rot and wilt. Self-evaporative humidification creates non-fluctuating conditions where crops can thrive.
Seamless Sanitation
Additionally, self-evaporative technology can integrate water-soluble fertilizers, nutrients, or disinfecting chemicals to saturate crops – all without leaving behind moisture on surfaces.
Indoor growers have integrated self-evaporative systems into grow rooms, grow tents, and other indoor growing space to maximize produce quality, yield, and consistency.