Aerospace Manufacturing Humidifiers

When aircraft components are manufactured with insufficient humidity, they can fail in the field. Sensors, delicate avionics, and even the materials that protect them are all endangered by the electrostatic discharge (ESD) that low-humidity creates. To fly well in all conditions, humidity must stabilize several conditions on the ground.

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The Aerospace Manufacturing Humidification Challenge

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Insufficient Humidity Triggers ESD Buildup

In rooms where people, composites, electronic parts, and plastics rub together, ESD builds. More than static hair and shocked fingers, this buildup can trigger disruptions and malfunctions, wasting valuable materials and time.

Worse, the elevated voltage levels in aerospace systems, coupled with the delicate nature of fuel systems, could ignite fuel vapors when exposed to ESD.

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Fluctuating Environments Counteract Control

Despite facilities’ efforts to control these environmental factors, clean rooms often contain low-humidity conditions that heighten the risk of ESD events.

When people come onto the scene, handling components and moving materials, the friction generates even more static charges.

The Self-Evaporative Solution

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Protection via Non-Fluctuating Humidity Control

How long an aircraft flies depends on how well it’s stored – and a 40% – 60% Relative Humidity (RH) is a critical protective factor. Tight humidity control means less dried out components, brittle electronics, and uneven paint coats.

However, pumping the air with water is not enough to prevent ESD buildup; the air must be evenly saturated, from corner to critical corner. That’s why self-evaporative humidification ensures non-fluctuating moisture levels.

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Maintaining Aircraft and Process Quality

When self-evaporative droplets rapidly diffuse across large distances, they linger in the air until evaporation – never clinging to surfaces, dampening electrical equipment, warping paint, or allowing ESD to build.

Manufacturers leverage these self-evaporative properties for precise and consistent humidity control, ultimately maintaining the quality of their aircrafts and operations.