What Kind of Technologies Do You Need in an Industrial Humidifier?
The industrial humidifier industry is one that’s constantly exposed to varying air conditions that could become harmful to workers. In your own industrial plant, you may not even realize the relative humidity in your work environment is far too low. Yet, you’re maybe starting to see some signs of it based on employees calling in sick with bronchial problems every month.
On top of it, you’re likely starting to see excessive problems with dust and static electricity affecting your company’s equipment. These issues may start breaking down the technology you need in your facility to keep running at optimal level.
Your only solution is an industrial humidifier to maintain proper humidity levels. A huge challenge is finding one going the extra mile in technology. It’s unfortunate far too many humidifiers on the market only give you basics and don’t provide innovations to properly control air quality.
At Smart Fog, we’ve revolutionized the way the humidifying process works. Let’s take a look at the technologies you really need to truly protect your company.
What is the Decorrelation Process?
A term like this might confuse you if you only know rudimentary information about humidity. It’s a unique technology we’ve developed that relates to oxygen and hydrogen particles, and the correlation process. If you’ve never heard of the latter, it describes cohesion and adhesion of water to other water or outlying materials.
Through our decorrelation process, your humidifier helps reverse cohesion and focuses more on adhesion. As a result, water adheres to the air rather than on other water.
Using this helps effectively control relative humidity within your industrial plant so it stays at a proper level rather than fluctuate.
You’ll appreciate being able to leave our humidifiers running all day without supervision since they have no moving parts.
Using Low Pressure for More Efficient Industrial Humidifier Operations
Yet another fault of other humidifying products is not providing enough options for specific pressures when it’s necessary. All of our humidifiers use low pressure operation, namely 100 psi of compressed air.
Having this available to you gives instant energy efficiency to the product as you run it day and night. Since it has no heating mechanism, you get more safety this way, especially if using multiple humidifiers around your building.
Even better is you don’t have to worry about adhering to regulations using low pressure. You’ll notice the savings on your energy bill immediately.
Controlling Droplet Size
Worrying about water droplets from a humidifier might sound overly technical to grasp. This is a very important aspect to keeping droplets airborne so you maintain the humidity you need in large or small spaces.
We keep our droplets at 4.2 microns, which is a perfect size to achieve quick evaporation. Ultimately, this prevents water from adhering to surfaces around your facility so you don’t have to deal with condensation.
It’s almost impossible to find other humidifiers around that achieve 100% evaporation rates.
Minimizing Maintenance
No doubt one of your biggest concerns about investing in humidifiers is what kind of maintenance they’ll require. It could become a major problem without special designs that prevent problems like clogging in the nozzle.
We’ve managed to create a non-clogging nozzle thanks to smart engineering. The key is making a larger orifice so it doesn’t clog easily. Plus, we use stainless steel parts so you get the best in durability when exposed to industrial elements.
All our humidifiers get produced here in the USA with the best materials. Now you’ll get assurance they’ll hold up for years and prevent expensive maintenance throughout the year.
Contact us to learn more about our patented technologies and how we’re helping the industrial sector maintain healthier interior air.