Self-evaporative technology creates a humidity full of paradoxes: droplets permeate vast areas without wetting a single surface; low voltages generate high humidity levels; natural water molecules are altered for more natural humidity. How is this possible? It all starts at the molecular level.
Altering Molecular Attractions
In nature, water molecules adhere to one another via the positive charge on all the hydrogens and the negative charge on the oxygen. This causes water molecules to stick together and form condensation and puddles. Usually, the wind and sun do most of the evaporative work outside, dissipating and drying moisture. But inside, wet spots might linger for longer.
The damage this excess moisture causes ranges from rust and corrosion to mold, equipment failure, and maintenance downtimes. As a result, many facilities install fans, drain pans, evaporative chambers, and more while keeping a close eye on the temperature. Without a way to evaporate humidity indoors, puddles and condensation cost businesses money every moment of every day.
That’s why self-evaporative humidification reverses molecular attractions for the indoors to mimic what would naturally occur outdoors. By reversing positive and negative charges, self-evaporative molecules repel one another to quickly dissipate across large areas and completely evaporate. From 1%-99% humidity, self-evaporation creates non-fluctuating and non-wetting conditions where products, people, and processes can thrive.
Powering the Process
Compared to steam humidifiers, Smart Fog’s self-evaporative technology saves customers up to 90% in energy. No matter how high the humidity level, the self-evaporative system remains low voltage.
Likewise, most humidification systems require higher voltage and more energy to achieve less than premium results. Combine self-evaporative humidification’s low voltage requirements with a system made of zero moving parts, and you get humidification that stands the test of time.
By altering molecular attractions, self-evaporation unlocks a cascade of advantages without typical humidification drawbacks. Droplets self-repel to generate and stabilize precise, non-wetting humidity, without needing a lot of energy or maintenance. The science of Smart Fog’s self-evaporative technology ultimately leads to effortless, pristine humidification for any application.