Achieving Food Safety with SmartFog Industrial Humidifiers

SmartFog provides industrial humidifiers for the food industry supply chain. This includes harvest, storage, and retail display cases. SmartFog guarantees food safety. Read on for information about the benefits of SmartFog and promoting food safety.

Conveyor System Industrial Humidifiers

SmartFog works well with produce conveyor systems. A SmartFog system can be built over a conveyor system. It also serves as an additional component. When the produce enters the conveyor, it is covered with a dense fog. However, the fog is non-wetting. Therefore, the system disinfects the produce. This frees it of viruses, bacteria, and mold.

The Fog Tunnel is built over existing conveyors. This serves as a stainless steel enclosure. In addition, it eliminates worker exposure. It also increases quality and decreases spoilage. Additionally, the Fog Tunnel protects the produce by eliminating bacteria. Fog Tunnel industrial humidifiers are perfect for businesses that want to treat their produce right after harvest.

Pre-Cooling and Cold Storage

SmartFog systems are perfect for storage. The humidifier can operate in an environment as low as 30 degrees. Also, the system mounts on the wall. In addition, industrial humidifiers disinfect the produce without getting it wet. SmartFog can even go through packed boxes! The system also has a zero reentry time.


The food transportation industry benefits from SmartFog humidifiers. The humidifier disinfects produce as it’s in transit. In addition, it disinfects containers or trucks. This guarantees a clean environment for the produce.

Retail Display Case Industrial Humidifiers

The retail display case ends the food industry supply chain. SmartFog extends the shelf life of produce. Also, SmartFog industrial humidifiers keep the produce clean.

SmartFog systems are innovative. The non-wetting technology makes them some of the best in the field of industrial humidifiers. A SmartFog system is perfect for the different sectors of the food industry. A SmartFog humidifier keeps produce high-quality and free from bacteria. The system allows produce to meet any food safety guidelines. Also, they use a non-wetting technology. This disinfects produce without leaving behind droplets of water. A SmartFog humidifier ensures food safety. For more information about SmartFog and how it can help your business, contact us today.


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