You’re perhaps aware of a few issues related to high and low humidity, though you may think some are too subtle. After all, you may still think lung and nasal problems your employees have are mere allergies rather than from humidity issues. In reality, workers may suffer from more physical ailments than you think due to high and low humidity.
It’s low humidity sometimes bringing on more elusive conditions. It’s not fair to your employees, though, when they’re accused of being hypochondriacs. Sometimes you can scope out low humidity issues easier with more physical signs.
The most typical physical sign is directly on the skin, something undeniable when you see the evidence.
You need to pay attention to the physical signs in your workers, especially when it’s becoming uniform.
Here’s how to watch out for skin issues related to low humidity and how you can solve the issue.
Itchy Skin
One way to scope out what’s going on with low humidity is to meet with your employees regularly to examine their health. A definite sign something isn’t right is when your employees start to complain about itchy skin.
As minor as this might sound, it can become a serious problem over time. It’s also a big deal when your employees need to do exacting work within an industrial environment. Feeling like they have to scratch their skin all day only leads to misery and lack of productivity.
Find out which employees have eczema or overly sensitive skin since dry and itchy skin affects them more than others.
When you meet with all your employees, you’ll know by their skin health whether they’re suffering from excessive itchiness. This isn’t normal, though far from the only sign your humidity is too low.
Persistent Dry Skin
Look carefully and notice if your employees suffer from dry skin on a regular basis. It might not always be on their face, and it’s maybe on their hands or other exposed areas. Tiny cracks are usually visible with skin dryness, leading to possible bleeding.
For some employees, signs might become visible on their face if they work in areas of your building with extremely dry air. When their cracked skin opens up, it only increases chances of being exposed to microbes and becoming sick as a result.
In some cases, it may require employees being inspected by a dermatologist to confirm their dry skin relates to humidity.
Chapped Lips
Even if you think chapped lips are a common problem in the winter, it shouldn’t happen excessively in your workplace. If employees have chapped lips for weeks or months (despite using lip balm), it’s a sign something isn’t right in the air.
Maybe you’re still skeptical, but the only real way to tell if you have low humidity is to use a hygrometer. Determining that you have a relative humidity below 40% indicates you need a humidifier to prevent all the above symptoms.
How Do You Shop for a Quality Humidifier?
You obviously have to take action when skin issues start becoming serious in your team of employees. Don’t let them suffer one more day with these conditions when a well-made humidifier can solve it.
The question is, which humidifier should you buy? At Smart Fog, we give you everything you need to maintain RH, including the intelligent precision control to prevent constant supervision. Our products also have no moving parts on the exterior.
With this feature, it’s just a start in the innovations you’ll find so your employees never have to suffer again.
Contact us to learn more about our humidifying product options and how they solve common illnesses associated with low and high humidity.