Industrial Humidifier

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Industrial Humidifier

Controlled humidity can be the difference between an efficient, productive workplace and a high maintenance nightmare. The Smart Fog industrial humidifier allows you to effortlessly create a work environment that balances the needs of both industrial components and living, breathing workers.

Innovative Humidification Technology

For 37 years, Smart Fog has been the leader in advancing humidification with its patented dry fog technology. Smart Fog systems use compressed air to evenly disseminate 4.2-micron diameter droplets of moisture into the atmosphere. These droplets evaporate into the air before hitting the ground, producing an even, humid, but never wet or beaded environment.

Humidification for Industrial Materials

Much like a custom-woven filter, the Smart Fog industrial humidifier prevents unwanted particles from interacting with your industrial materials. The water pellets weigh down the unwanted particles and propel them onto the floor. Simultaneously, the humidifier preserves the intrinsic malleable nature of the material by keeping the moisture in the atmosphere at a predictable, steady level. 

Essentially, when these two effects are combined, you can save time preparing your industrial materials for use — they will be ready to use as is. This highly regulated setting not only cuts down on excess particles but also promotes a significant reduction in static electricity, reducing the cling factor in your materials.


humidifier whole house central

The Most Precise Industrial Humidification Systems

Our systems offer the most precise way to produce, maintain and monitor humidity in commercial environments. We bolster each humidification system with automated controls and precise sensors, allowing you to set an exact humidity level and monitor the room’s conditions. The decorrelation process creates small droplets that achieve the exact humidity your application demands. 

Improve Health and Safety in the Workplace

Controlled humidity benefits employees, too. The regulated, clean atmosphere will promote easier breathing and a predictable, temperate environment, allowing everyone to feel comfortable and concentrate on their work. Additionally, the Smart Fog MS100 Industrial Humidifier meets Environmental Protection Agency standards for dust suppression in a cost-effective manner, providing an affordable alternative to electrostatic precipitators. 

Protect Critical Electric Equipment and Other Materials

Our precise humidity control tools use non-wet methods that preserve your equipment and materials. Where other systems allow condensation to form around the humidifier, Smart Fog® De-Correlation Technology protects the room. The 4.2-micron droplets evaporate before reaching surfaces and equipment. As a result, your electrical machinery, wooden floors and other water-sensitive materials are safe. 

Energy-Efficient Humidification 

Our humidification systems are energy efficient at every phase. Smart Fog® De-Correlation Technology is the most efficient way to produce water droplets because it is a natural, non-chemical process. The droplets evaporate easily due to their small size. Additionally, humidification reduces strain on HVAC systems by boosting the perceived temperature, ensuring comfort at lower HVAC settings. 

Simple Maintenance 

The Smart Fog ES100 System Industrial Humidifier is exceptionally easy to maintain. Instead of a pinhole nozzle, the Smart Fog employs a 1.5-millimeter opening that can be cleaned quickly and efficiently. With a highly adaptable design, the Smart Fog can be installed in a variety of locales, whether you want to incorporate it into your air conditioner or place it above the work floor.

Custom Humidification Systems for Your Facility

While the ES100 System will provide the controlled humidity needed to satisfy most industrial settings, Smart Fog can also design a custom humidifier system to address a variety of specialized industrial requirements.

Premier Humidification System Manufacturer 

Smart Fog’s dedication to maintaining and improving the quality of controlled industrial humidity has resulted in both an excellent reputation and highly adaptable humidifiers which serve practically every industrial need. 

Our years of experience in creating and refining controlled humidity have provided us with the knowledge and technical expertise to help your business realize an ideal work environment, no matter the complexity or scale. We will be happy to give you a free quote over the phone or through our website; simply fill out our custom quote form with the particulars of your application.


Clean Environment with Smart Fog

Smart Fog system can incorporate any water-dissolving material.

Request a Quote

Our industrial humidification systems will improve production efficiency while promoting energy-efficient operations. For more on our industrial humidifier solutions, please request a quote from Smart Fog today!

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