Dust Suppression Systems

Smart Fog Dust Suppression Systems

Effective dust suppression systems are necessary to meet EPA environmental air quality standards and protect workers’ health. Most methods of dust suppression involve expensive systems such as bag houses and electrostatic precipitators. New research and development has shown that humidity addition systems using Under 10-micron water droplets attract and suppress PM 10 and smaller dust particles.

Smart Fog MS100 Fogger dust suppression systems have been essential in the USA in helping companies meet the EPA standards for dust suppression.

The Smart Fog MS100 Fogger is the solution for optimal dust suppression.

How it works

Smart Fog’s Fogger uses supersonic compressed air to blast water into droplets 4.2 micron

(Defined as Dry Fog) in diameter. These tiny water droplets absorb even the smallest dust particles in the air, yet fall to the ground without wetness. Particularly suited for dusty environments, the Smart Fog Fogger System nozzle has a large 0.1″ orifice, which won’t clog like pinhole foggers do.


  • Our dust suppression systems help Helps you meet environmental standards: Custom installations can reduce dust to required levels, for environmental and worker safety standards.
  • Smallest droplets give maximum dust control.
  • Inexpensive to operate: Low water and electricity consumption save running costs.
  • Low Maintenance: The Smart Fog MS100 Fogger System’s large 0.1″ orifice prevents clogging, even with hard water. With no moving parts in the fogger, you will have years of reliable low-maintenance operation.

Proven Results

Smart Fog’s field experience and dedicated service make it the only choice for the most reliable and effective dust suppression systems.

Academic Research

Research literature has long recognized that small droplet size is the key to dust suppression system. The following explanation comes from work at the Colorado School of Mines:

When water droplets that are sprayed to control coal dust are too large, the dust particles flow around the droplets, and thus are not absorbed-but water droplets too small simply evaporated. So CSM is looking into theories governing formation of clouds to improve existing water spray technology.

Experience gained over the years with water sprays has established the following facts: (1) For a given spray nozzle, the collection efficiency for small dust particles increases as the pressure increases, and (2) at a given pressure, the efficiency increases as the nozzle design is changed so as to produce smaller droplets. The conclusion is clear-cut; the smaller droplets are more effective in knocking small dust particles out of the air. The reason for this is not hard to see.

Consider a water droplet about to impinge on a dust particle, or what is aerodynamically equivalent, a dust particle about to impinge on a water droplet, as shown in the drawing. If the droplet diameter is much greater than the dust particle, the dust particle simply follows the airstream lines around the droplet, and little or no contact occurs. In fact, it is difficult to impact micron-size particles on anything, which is why inertial separators do not work well at these sizes.

If, on the other hand, the water droplet is of a size that is comparable to that of the dust particle, contact occurs as the dust particle tries to follow the streamlines. Thus the probability of impaction increases as the size of the water spray droplets decreases.

Related Links:
Simple Dust Suppression