Benefits of a Commercial Humidifier in a Printing House

It is vital that printing houses maintain proper levels of humidity in order for optimum operation. Issues occur in both the summer and winter due to HVAC reduction of humidity levels far below the ideal level. A Smart Fog commercial humidifier is the perfect addition to a printing house. These humidifiers are easy to install, require little maintenance, and can maintain the desired level of humidity. Read on for the benefits of having a humidifier in a printing house.

Maintain a Proper Humidity Level

A Smart Fog commercial humidifier has a CPLC controller that uses an algorithm to create the required level of humidity in the print house. This precise humidity control is very helpful in knowing that the humidity level will always be exactly what it needs to be. The optimal level of humidity at a printing facility is between 50% and 60%. In the winter, humidity levels can fall below 10% due to the HVAC heating. In the summer, the HVAC cooling can also reduce the humidity far below satisfactory levels.

Eliminates Dust

The Smart Fog commercial humidifier systems also eliminate dust. As papers are moving through a printing press, you do not want dust getting on them or inside the machines. Smart Fog eliminates dust through a de-correlation process. This processes reverses cohesion and maximizes adhesion. Dust is attracted to the Smart Fog micron droplets and then oxidized. Humidifier droplets that are 5 microns or larger retract air particles, thus not attracting dust. Smart Fog has the smallest droplets in the industry at 4.2 microns allowing for 100% dust suppression.

A Commercial Humidifier Is Great for Paper

The Smart Fog ES100 System is perfect for a printing house. This system provides precise relative humidity control and eliminates dust. It also eliminates static build-up which can cause delays in operation at the facility. Since the humidifier droplets are so small, there will be no leftover moisture, leaving your papers perfectly dry. The added humidity to the environment will eliminate paper-curl and cracking. It will also reduce web-breaks and mis-register.

A commercial humidifier is a must for a printing house. It will help the facility stay at the optimal level of humidity while eliminating dust and static. Smart Fog humidifiers will keep papers from curling, cracking, and mis-registering. Best of all? These humidifiers are easy to install and require little maintenance. For more information about humidifiers and the different models available, contact Smart Fog today.



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