Benefits of Using a Greenhouse Humidifier System

Smart Fog makes commercial humidifiers that are perfect for the food industry. These humidifiers produce micron droplets that sanitize a space without leaving behind moisture on surfaces. From the greenhouse humidifier to the grocery store case humidifier, Smart Fog can keep produce clean and safe. Read on for some benefits of using Smart Fog in the food industry.

Over the last few years, an increasing number of people have made the decision to grow or farm their own food. Pesticides, genetically modified foods, and companies that are operating in violation of human rights practices, have caused many people to look for alternative routes – to fruits and vegetables especially. Consequently, interest in greenhouses and greenhouse farming practices has grown appreciably over the course of the last ten years. However, not all areas exhibit the optimal conditions for greenhouse success. In areas such as these, the use of a greenhouse humidifier can help to produce the appropriate conditions, and insure successful crops.

The Importance of Humidity in Greenhouses

Greenhouses are ingenious structures, and have had a huge impact on the ability of populations that experience severe weather conditions, or are located at high altitudes, to grow a varied and plentiful food supply.  They operate via convection heat.  Plastic or glass is used to house various plants.  As the sun heats the building, the plants inside absorb the warmth, and then give a portion of this thermal energy back into the air.  The cycle continues, unless the building is opened to the elements outside.

The almost constant temperature created by the exchange of energy within the greenhouse, is why the growth process in a greenhouse is so effective.  Sometimes, it is necessary to help the process along, however, and the use of a greenhouse humidifier can ensure that all of your plants are growing optimally.  Appropriate humidification is vital to the function of a greenhouse.  Whatever you are growing, consider making your greenhouse crops more successful, with the use of a non-wetting humidifier.

Benefits of Humidifiers in Greenhouses

A greenhouse humidifier is a non-wetting humidification system that regulates the moisture and temperature within a greenhouse. This regulation system means that fruits and vegetables ripen appropriately. Additionally, they are less prone to succumb to some of the fungal and bacterial issues that food grown in an uncontrolled environment, or transported in truck, often exhibit. The controlled greenhouse environment ensures that those families that choose to grow their own food, will have successful, healthy crops.

Keeps Produce Clean and Safe

Smart Fog humidifiers keep produce clean and safe throughout the food supply chain. This starts in the greenhouse during the growth stage with the greenhouse humidifier. Smart Fog has a conveyor system that provides a non-wetting fogging chamber built over an existing conveyor system. The humidifier serves as a disinfectant as it eliminates viruses, bacteria, and mold. Smart Fog also makes humidifiers for pre-cooling and cold storage systems. The humidifiers can penetrate packed boxes. This allows the produce to receive benefits even if it is stored in a box. Smart Fog can also help keep produce clean and safe during transport on boats, planes, or trucks. Once the produce finally reaches the retail display case, Smart Fog enhances the quality and extends the shelf life of the products.

A Greenhouse Humidifier Monitors Humidity

A greenhouse is the growing spot for many fruits and vegetables. In this environment, a greenhouse humidifier will automatically monitor the humidity levels making sure they are exactly where they need to be. The Smart Fog MS100 system works in large greenhouses with a lot of square footage. This system eliminates high mineral content in the water supply. The humidifier can also reduce the temperature by 20 degrees.

Improved Quality of Fruit in Ripening Room

A Smart Fog humidifier is a great thing to have in a ripening room. The humidifier will slow down the ripening process which leads to a longer shelf life, less brown spots, and an overall higher quality of fruit. Just like a greenhouse humidifier controls humidity levels, the system in the ripening room will do the same thing.

At Smart Fog, our humidifiers work to keep produce safe from the initial growth stage in the green house to when they are sitting in a grocery store case. We offer a variety of systems including a greenhouse humidifier, a conveyor humidifier, humidifiers for ripening rooms, and humidifiers for cold storage and transport. In addition, we continue to keep produce fresh and ripe while it sits in the grocery store. Not only is produce kept fresh, but the humidifier also eliminates toxins like mold, viruses, and bacteria, to help protect the produce  from food-borne illness. For more information about the products we offer, contact Smart Fog today.

Greenhouse Humidifier Planning for Excellent Plants

Building a greenhouse and growing your own fruits and vegetables can be a perfect project for the summer. It can also mean fresh fruits and vegetables during months when the offerings in the local market might be slim. However, building and maintaining a greenhouse takes some careful planning. If you live in a region where temperatures can fluctuate wildly, you will need some help to maintain the perfect conditions for plant growth. A greenhouse humidifier is an excellent way to maintain temperatures and provide your plants with the right amount of moisture.

While your plants require moisture and heat for growth, too much moisture can cause damage or rot. A non-wetting humidification system can provide the regulation and moisture that you need, without adding unnecessary amounts of water to the air. Growing your own fruits and vegetables can be hugely rewarding, but having them look and taste, great, is even better.

Year-round Greenhousing Gardening Farming

More are more Americans are growing their own foods in greenhouses, and it’s not that hard to see why.

First, people are becoming increasingly aware of foods grown with pesticides and would rather grown themselves, both outdoors and in greenhouses.  Secondly, advancements in greenhouse technology make it possible to “live off the land” 12 months a year, even in extreme conditions.

This fascinating article in the New York Times looks at a couple in Maine who employ movable greenhouses – known as “hoop houses” – to grow produce throughout the long, frigid New England winters.  These hoop houses are unheated; perched next to a stone wall, they absorb heat at night.  Once the weather improves in the late Spring, the moveable greenhouses can be quickly and easily disassembled.

Regardless of if the greenhouse is heated or unheated, however, moisture and proper levels are humidity are key, underscoring the need for an effective greenhouse humidifier.  After all, the greenhouse must replicate the natural conditions in which a crop can thrive, replete with sunlight and water – even if it is in the middle of February.

Enjoy Healthy Bountiful Crows All Winter Long

The popularity of greenhouse-grown fruits and vegetables continues to grow, as farmers are taking advantage of increasingly innovative technologies to help them use less water and fertilizer while growing crops all year long.

But the benefits don’t just end there.  Greenhouse-grown vegetables appeal to educated consumers who are concerned about food safety and want to buy from local growers.  And the reduced risk of pests and diseases doesn’t hurt either.

All in all, this is good news for large-scale industrial growers looking to properly scale their operations, as well as novices who simply want a steady of supply of fresh fruits and vegetables this winter.  Yet much like traditional farming, greenhouse growing is fraught with risks and challenges, particularly around climate management.

An effective greenhouse humidifier system must replicate the natural moisture levels that enable plants to grow.  Yet these moisture levels can vary greatly depending on the fruit or vegetable.  Most tropical fruits, for example, require a good deal of moisture.  Conversely, too much water can drown out a plant or lead to destructive mold and mildew.

For professional or amateur greenhouse gardeners, no tool may be as important as our line of greenhouse humidifiers to ensure optimal climate control and maximal plant growth and cultivation.

Misting Equipment for Nurseries

While there are some plants which are tough and grow in almost any environment, many more common and rare plants require exact humidity levels and nutrients in order to flourish bests, and misting equipment for nurseries which makes use of complex technology can ensure consistent results. Manufacturers of humidifiers which can create high humidity levels without wetting can help nurseries to keep plant watering and air humidity separate, thus having strict control over the growth environment.

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