Why Choose Dry Fog Humidification

There are numerous advantages to using Dry Fog humidification, such as the fact that this type of technology uses less water and power – Dry Fog machines typically save as much as 60% of these resources when compared to regular humidifier machines. These...

Smart Fog Protects Our Foods

In the food production industry, many companies need a dependable food storage unit. The owners and employers require Smart Fog’s unique food safety system. With this system, the produce is placed in a chamber or container and is quickly covered completely by a dense...
What are SmartFog Humidifiers?

What are SmartFog Humidifiers?

Smart Fog humidifiers technology are used of compressed air to produce extremely fine water droplets defined as Dry Fog, which are consistent in size and thus provide a higher degree of climate control. SmartFog humidifiers can be used to raise humidity levels as high...

What is Dry Fog Technology for Sensitive Applications

As its name implies, ‘Dry Fog’ technology is a humidification system which uses water droplets so fine that the immediate environment stays dry, even when levels are elevated to over ninety percent. Wet spots are prevented from forming due to the minute size of...
Wine Storage Advice

Wine Storage Advice

If you are setting up a personal wine cellar or own a small bottling business, humidifier manufacturers can provide you with wine storage advice on which humidifier machine to choose for your cellar. A wealth of information can be found online, from the ideal storage...