Smart Fog Humidity to Eliminate Dust Allergies

When people hear the word “humidity,” they usually relate it to those scorching hot temperatures in the dog days of summer. However, humidity in the air isn’t necessarily a bad thing – in fact, moist air is beneficial in many ways. Dry air can take a toll on the human body, requiring businesses and residences to use a humidifier.

Humidifiers are machines that produce a steam or mist that introduces moisture into the air. Adding moisture to the air results in greater comfort and improves health for individuals. For instance, during the dry winter months illnesses like the flu and upper respiratory infections (not to mention scratchy throats and nosebleeds) are common. Moisture in the air keeps your nose, throat, and lungs from being susceptible to illness. While it might sound funny, it’s actually really important to have moist nose hairs – it equips them to block dust particles and bacteria from entering your system and making you sick.

The need for humidification is great in certain industries. Companies like printing presses and paper supply companies often require an industrial-grade humidifier to maintain the quality of air. Paper products absorb much of the moisture that is found naturally in the air; therefore, moist air in such factories needs to be replenished on a daily basis. The benefit to workers is obvious – sore throats, nosebleeds, and other ill health effects are mitigated by the use of a humidifier. The moisture also soothes dry skin and lips, leaving them smooth and supple. The following video shows a wall-mounted humidifier in action.

While many people have a humidifier in their bedroom to help alleviate snoring and aid in the natural healing process of cold, asthma, and allergies, these systems can also be implemented in industrial and commercial buildings. As we discussed before, many paper presses and supply facilities have an industrial grade humidifier in their building, but they’re not the only type of company that can realize a humidifier’s benefits.  In fact, they should also be considered in other types of offices and workspaces. Post offices, shipping locations, and other businesses that handle cardboard and paper products would greatly benefit from having a system implemented in their office. Non-industrial facilities from educational field to the medical field can also become dry over the winter months, necessitating a humidifier for relief.

Commercial applications are not the only uses for the humidifier. Dry areas of the home are a huge concern for many families, and over the winter months when sickness is likely to spread between family members, a humidifier can make all the difference. Determining the best humidifier for your family’s needs is a matter that deserves some forethought. To learn more about how to choose a humidifier watch the following video created by DadLabs. They provide great information about how to choose a humidifier that’s perfect for you and your family.
Video: How To Choose A Humidifier

Allergies and asthma affect millions of people each year. Recent data suggests that one in five have asthma or allergy symptoms. Studies have demonstrated that humidifiers can alleviate the symptoms of allergies by introducing moisture into the air. The following infographic highlights some of the issues posed by allergies in America. Take a look and see if a humidifier might not pose an effective solution to your allergy problems during dry periods of the year!

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