Signs That Your Humidification System Is Failing

Maintaining an ideal moisture level is important for health and comfort, as well as for the maintenance and protection of equipment and belongings. If your humidification system begins to fail gradually or starts to underperform, it’s important to replace or repair it quickly before too much damage occurs. Here are some ways to identify a failing system.

Measure Humidity Levels

The clearest way to know if your humidification system is working is to the check the humidity level in your space. You can purchase a humidity gauge, or hygrometer, at a hardware store for around $30. The gauge will show you the actual humidity percentage of the air. Many new thermostat models will include a humidity reading as well. The window of desired humidity is typically between 30 and 50 percent.

Damaged Equipment or Goods

Proper humidity levels reduce dust, mold, static, and other environmental hazards that could damage your goods and equipment. If you are finding that your equipment has to be calibrated more often or your produce and baked goods are spoiling faster, the problem may lie with your humidification system. If your business produces a lot of dust or uses a lot of electronics, dry air can pose a fire hazard. Calling for maintenance or looking for a replacement system immediately is a wise choice.

Frequent Sickness

If you are finding that your staff seems to be passing around illness after illness, your humidification system could be part of the problem. A system that is running well will suppress viruses in the air and reduce their reach. If the humidity is too low, it would not be surprising to see a higher incidence of sickness.


Your humidification system may also fail by producing too much moisture, which in turn can cause different sorts of damage. If you see condensation on the inside of windows or doors, it is due to the warm, humid air inside meeting the cold window. This is an indication of excessive moisture in the air and means that your humidification system is either set too high or is unreliable. Eventually high moisture content in the air will lead to mold and mildew.

Choose Smart Fog

If your current humidification system is failing or struggling to keep up, it could be time to switch to a Smart Fog system. Smart Fog systems disperse the smallest water droplets in the industry, allowing the water to evaporate completely into the air. Smart Fog systems are also equipped with intelligent and precise humidity control to keep your environment at the ideal humidity at all times. Click here to learn more why you should consider Smart Fog.

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