Create a More Comfortable Office With a Commercial Humidifier

You might be surprised to learn that investing a commercial humidifier can create a more comfortable working environment. Some people automatically assume that temperature is the most influential element in determining the overall comfort level an office or indoor environment. While temperature certainly plays a role, it’s humidity that has the largest influence. To learn more about this phenomenon and how a humidifier can help, keep reading.

Understanding Relative Humidity

Relative humidity (RH) is described as the amount – depicted in percentage – of water vapor in the air at the current temperature compared to the total amount of water vapor the air is capable of holding at the specified temperature. Why does temperature play such an important role in relative humidity? Going back to the basics of high-school science, cold air is more dense than warm air, meaning it’s able to hold more moisture. So when you turn on the central heating in your office, the air automatically becomes drier and less dense.

Low Humidity and The ‘Cold’ Feeling

When the air inside an office is exceptionally dry – meaning it has a low relative humidity – workers are more likely to experience discomfort. The dry air acts as a sponge, absorbing moisture from its surroundings. This means the moisture in your body and on your skin will evaporate into the air, creating the sensation of feeling colder. Even if the office thermostat is set to a comfortable temperature, the dry air can make workers feel colder.

Low Humidity and Sinuses

Another way in which dry air promotes discomfort in the office is its adverse affect on the nasal passages. The insides of our nostrils are lined with delicate mucus membranes, which are responsible for keeping the nose moist and hydrated. When you step into an office with low humidity, however, these membranes will slowly dry out. And depending on the severity of the problem, this can lead to nose bleeds and/or sinus headaches. This is why many people tend to develop nose bleeds in the winter rather than the summer (winter is characterized by dry air indoors).

The bottom line is that every office should contain at least one commercial humidifier. These devices will ensure workers are comfortable by regulating the humidity levels. If the moisture vapor in the air drops below a certain point, the humidifier will automatically release moisture.

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